Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My batshit crazy allowance has been paid...

...and I've decided to throw it toward sharing my observations of human behavior in my experiences as an HR professional and psychology enthusiast.

Ok, I just read again what I wrote above and have decided that psychology enthusiast sounds really antiseptic and weird but I don't know how else to put it. We will get into it later I'm sure.  ;)

People watching has always been a favorite past-time of mine, and after a dozen years working in mental health and human resources, I thought I would try and put some witty, blunt, hopefully insightful stories to share with the world. Here we go! 

So let's start with a funny story that happened years ago while working as the HR fancypants in a mental health office. We hired lots of recent and soon-to-be undergrads. One fella in particular, we'll call him Joe, worked part-time learning the tests and clerical tasks. Joe was young and gregarious, like Zach Galifianakis-level of outgoing and goofy. I overheard him telling others in the office that he had started working at a bar to get some extra money and since today was St. Patrick's Day, he was expecting a lot of cash. I kindly reminded him later that day that he was to help open the office with me the next morning, to which he laughed and smiled and agreed.

Me: *call his cell phone - get voicemail

Me: *call his cell phone - get voicemail

Me: *call his cell phone - get voicemail


Around 9:45, Joe stumbles, literally, in the office and he is just a vision. His hair is disheveled, he smells so strongly of alcohol it was like he showered with beer and the best part, he clothes didn't fit. I don't mean the shirt was a bit baggy or the pants a little short. I mean he looked like the Hunk post "hulking out". The shirt barely buttoned across his chest, his undershirt was terribly stained and the pants left NOTHING to my terrified imagination. I have no idea whose clothes they were, but they assuredly were not Joe's.

Then, this:

I can not even thank http://filmcrithulk.wordpress.com enough for having this picture. It so beautifully illustrates the situation better than words ever could. I had never seen anyone just vomit without any attempt to find a bathroom or trash can or even bend over really. Just vomit. Everywhere. Across the whole reception area. In front of a dozen mental health patients.

Needless to say, Joe was instructed that his employment had been terminated immediately and I called him a cab to get home safely. Let that be a lesson to you: Don't vomit and work. Or don't drink and dress.

Also, a very nice elderly patient came to me shortly after the ordeal was over. He leaned in very close and whispered "Lady, I don't want to tell you your business, but that kid was drunk. I used to be one too, I can smell them like a bloodhound." Thanks, man. Where would I be without such helpful insight?

Be kind - I'm sure I'll get better as we go along. I mean, it can't get much worse, right? Thanks for reading. DK

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